What is pornography?
The explicit depiction of sexual subject matter; a display of material of an erotic nature.

Many of us don’t know what HOME PORNOGRAPHY is all about, before I explain what it means I will want you all to know the effect that HOME PORNOGRAPHY has on every child.

HOME PORNOGRAPHY is the process whereby parent display their sensitive(sexual) part of the body to their children at a young age at home.

We have different type of HOME PORNOGRAPHY
1) From mother to son
2) From father to daughter
3) From sister to brother and brother to sister.
Now, many of our parents thought their children are still young, they don’t know anything. Thereby they keep exposing their private part to their children and is causing a lot of damages to their Mentality.

How does incest start?
WHAT IS INCEST? Is a Sexual relation between close relatives (too closely related to be legally married).

I will tell you Incest start from HOME PORNOGRAPHY when a child, see his father and mother doing what they ought to do secretly but they are now doing it openly before the child.
WHAT DO YOU EXCEPT THE CHILD TO DO? is it not to go and test it with his siblings.

No, tell me what do you expect when a boy always see his mother undressing before him?

Many of this parent is causing a lot of things in their children’s mentality and the excuse they do give is THEY DONT KNOW ANYTHING🙆ahhh we need to address this issue in the court of law😎

In our country today, Rape, gay, lesbianism are growing more rapidly. What do you expect from a girl that will always hear her mother saying men are wicked. Is it not to follow after her gender when she grows up? Because her mother has put that wrong ideology in her memory right from childhood. Likewise boys.

We need to erase the wrong ideal of parent undressing themselves before their children. We need to let them know how important to keep their children away from HOME PORNOGRAPHY Most of the thing we are experiencing in our society is today are from HOME.
Imagine a boy of 5 years knowing the shape of the female genital.
Now home video, pls our parent, guidance, brothers and sisters. Let us be mindful of the movies we allow our children, young ones to watch. This affects them too.
This is very important, as a parent you need to consecrate some things while bringing up your children. Expose them to spiritual benefiting movies that will help them in life.


Hope you are enlightened and bless?
Till I come again🚶🚶
HBBM (Media Director )💗



DATE: 12TH MAY, 2021



POINT: Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms.
James 5:13 KJV

It’s Time to Pray

“Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray. Are any of you happy? You should sing praises.” (James 5:13)

Have you ever been in what appeared to be an impossible situation with no way out? Have you ever desperately needed or wanted something, but it seemed as though there was no way you would ever have it? Or, have you ever thought there was no future for you? If so, you need to know about the power of God that can take place through prayer.

One thing that comes out very clearly in the pages of God’s Word is that prayer can dramatically change situations, people, and sometimes even the very course of nature.

But what prayer changes the most is you. You change when you pray. The objective of prayer is not to change God or to get Him to do something differently. The objective of prayer is to align yourself with the will and purposes of God.

God will allow hardship and challenges and need—and sometimes even tragedy—so that He can reveal Himself to us and put His power and glory on display. He allows things to happen in our lives so we will turn to Him in prayer.

Yet we usually regard prayer as a last resort: Well, I’ve called all my contacts. I’ve pretty much done everything I can do. . . . So I guess all I can do now is pray.

In reality, the first thing we should do is pray and ask the Lord for His help, His direction, and even His provision. We need God’s help—that is why we pray. When we see our weakness, we have a greater glimpse of the strength of God.

As someone wisely said, “If you are swept off your feet, it’s time to get on your knees.”

No matter what situation in which we find ourselves, we need to pray.

God we know you’re omnipotent and omnipresent God, you know everything and we call upon you now Lord Jesus Christ, grant to us our desire, in Jesus name Amen!



1 Thessalonians 5:17
Matthew 7:7

BY: Heavenniers Soldiers




MALACHI 4:5-6 and Rev 18:1-4 and Dan 11:40
Now after the rule of the son of perdition comes the power of the end-time Elijah, So is the end-time Elijah that will destroy the power and the plane of the son of perdition [ which was the first beast that the dragon gave power to, Rev 13:2] which was the son of perdition, THE SON OF THE ANTICHRIST, 2Thess 2:1-4

Now let us see the Prophecy of the end-time Elijah Daniel 7:26-27 he said the Judgments shall sit and they shall take away his dominion to consume and to destroy it unto the end, Now who are the Judges who shall sit? let us go to the prophecy of the Elijah in ISAIAH 21:5 here said to prepare the table, watch in the watchtower, eat and drink, and arise, ye [ PRINCES AND ANOINT THE SHIELD] then who is the SHIELD?

THE PROPHET ELIJAH, we can remember in part 1 of this massage that where we read in Daniel 8:25 d said when he shall stand against the Prince of princes that he shall be broken without hand [means the SHIELD WHICH was anointed by the Princes will overcome the beast] and when the book of Daniel 7:26 said the Judgment shall sit, means in ISAIAH 21:5-6 AND DANIEL 12:1 AND ISAIAH 21:9 and DANIEL 11:40 so all here are how the ELIJAH was ANOINTED and the power he will use to destroy and break the son of perdition without hand.

Now the proof that the Angels of Rev 18:1-4 are the Angels of Elijah, the first Angel who came with a strong power is the Angels with the chariot of fire and the second voice in heaven in verse 4 are the voice of the Angels in the horse of fire, Let see the book of ISAIAH 21:9 and 2KINGS 2:11, So the proof is that the Angels of ELIJAH are always in two forms, and another prove that the Angels in Rev 18:1-4 are the prophecy of ELIJAH is, who is the BABYLON mentioned in book ISAIAH 21:9 and Rev 18:2?

The BABYLON is the first beast who Runs the Church of Rome, the one who Introduced Images [CRAFT] in the Church of Rome ACT 19:24-27 AND ROMANS 1:23-25 and DAN 8:25 and in the book of Act she was called DIANA and here also made us know that the whole world is worshipping her [as we know that, [this goddess is the gods of even the present Rome] and in the book of Revelation she was called the BABYLON THE GREAT, MOTHER OF HARLOT, Rev 17:5 and in the book of Rev 18:2-3[9] here also made us know that the world and their kings are worshipping her.

Now to show you how she has worn out the saint of the highest according to Dan 7:25 and Dan 8:24 she achieved it through her messenger in the church of Rome and the Rulers of the world ISAIAH 6:6-8 and that is why the BIBLE called the leader of the church of Rome, THE SON OF PERDITION 2Thess 2:1-4 and that is why God prepared Elijah to come DANIEL 12:1 and MALACHI 4:5-6 AND ISAIAH 2:1-5 Then after the era of ELIJAH comes the first Rapture for there shall be two rapture THE FIRST AND THE SECOND, Rev 14:6-10 and Rev 6:9-11 and Rev 20:5-6 So Follow us to the next part to know the difference between the son of Perdition and the main Antichrist Read Rev 13:2-8[11-18] AMEN!



DATE: 7TH MAY 2021



POINT: And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.
Revelation 5:8 KJV


Trusting God’s Timing

“Now when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.” (Revelation 5:8)

Have you ever prayed for something that seemed to take a long time for God to answer? Or, have you ever prayed for something, and the answer came so quickly that it almost scared you? Sometimes we don’t believe our prayers can be answered so quickly.

In chapter 12 of the book of Acts, James the apostle had been beheaded, and Peter had been arrested by Herod. Then we read that “constant prayer was offered to God for [Peter] by the church” (verse 5). God immediately answered that prayer, sent an angel into the prison, and the doors literally opened for Peter to walk out of jail.

Then Peter went to the house where the church was presumably praying for his deliverance. Peter knocked at the door, a girl named Rhoda answered, and seeing it was the answer to their prayers, she went back to the men of God to tell them that Peter was at the door.


“Quiet. We’re praying. ‘Lord, deliver Peter. . . .’ ”

“Hey, bros?”

“Don’t bother us. We’re praying for Peter!”



“Peter is outside! He’s standing at the door.”

These great men of faith didn’t believe God could answer their prayer. But eventually they let Peter in. Poor Peter—God could get him out of prison, but Peter couldn’t get himself into a prayer meeting.

God hears and stores our prayers. Revelation 5 talks about a bowl of prayers in heaven: “Now when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints” (verse 8).

No prayer is wasted. Each one is duly noted by God and answered at just the right moment.


Lord Jesus Christ, perfect us in our weakness, strength us to be more faithful in you, that we may counted among the saint in Jesus name, Amen!




BY: Heavenniers Soldiers


Some says their pastor is called to preach
Prophecy etc.
Whatever anyone is called to preach

But God General message is sound and clearly simple.
“make my people ready for my coming”

If you pastor is not preaching these things:
Love of God
Caring for the poor
Christian dressing
Hell and judgment
Vain words
Integrity etc.

A preacher must preach on this, because that what Bible means by: put on the whole Amur of God

When we tries to correct some servants of God don’t say we are “jealous or judging”

Because many pastors have deviated because of the blessings that followed the church, am not condemning any church

But do you know the church your attending can lead you to internal torment, at the end

Don’t say I will not go church again just because many pastors are rising materialistic congregation, they are few God’s remaint servant look for them don’t go back to you vomit, real church of God helps a lot in heavenly ways!

God can’t call one to be preaching only faith and forget heaven, no, it’s only devil the liar

Am not trying to criticize the church but the messages of God kingdom must be preached, hell is not a place of repentance it’s only a place of internal suffering!

Repentance is here and now in this once death judgment follows, repentance is here

God anointed messenger preach not to full the church, but targeted at true souls winning

Jesus is the only way to the father and not the pastor or air condition Church, it’s just a building that will remains till you die

Brother, sister, mother and father, what shall it profit you to gain the whole world and loss you soul at the end of you life

I am just a God’s written material I don’t write theory or theological knowledge
Repent now!

©Prince Daniel



DATE: 6TH MAY 2021



POINT: And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.
Genesis 5:24 KJV

An Ongoing Conversation

“So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.” (Genesis 5:23–24)

Did you know it’s possible to pray the most beautiful, eloquent prayer ever prayed and not have it go any higher than the ceiling?

Sometimes we are filled with sin. Maybe it’s unforgiveness, or maybe it’s a sin we have never confessed. But that sin is like a barrier between God and us. It is like being on a phone call with God and having the battery go dead.

Maybe you’ve allowed some sin to work its way into your life, and it has brought your prayer life to a halt. If you want to reconnect with God again, then you will need to confess your sin. The Bible tells us that “if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

I love the story of Enoch, who “walked with God; and he was not, for God took him” (Genesis 5:24). This simply means that every day, Enoch would get up and take a walk with God. He did this for many years. But one day God effectively said, “Enoch, we’re closer to My house than yours. Why don’t you come on home with me?”

God wants a relationship with you, and prayer is communication with Him. It’s an ongoing conversation that you can have with Him all day, all afternoon, all night long—and all life long. Like Enoch, you can walk with God day in and day out, year in and year out, a decade in and decade out. You can walk with God in your younger years, in your middle years, and your older years.

And then one day the Lord will say, “Come on. We’re closer to My house than yours. Why don’t you come on home with Me?”

Oh Lord set our hearts on fire, Guide our footsteps that we may work with you, as you servant Enoch, in Jesus Name, Amen!

Luke 18:1

BY: Heavenniers Soldiers